Horizons irrésolus

CERN - Geneva
April 2016
888 miniature synthetizers + mini loudspeakers, telecom cable, nylon string
in collaboration with vincent Hänni (musician), Robert Kieffer (physicist - CERN) and Diego Blas (cosmologist - CERN)
A network of 888 independent electronic sound objects – a full-blown instrument that echoed notions of contemporary physics. The “Horizons irrésolus” installation was produced following the artist-in-residency programme Collide@CERN 2014 by sound artist Rudy Decelière and Swiss musician Vincent Hänni (The Young Gods) in close collaboration with two physicists from CERN, cosmologist Diego Blas and instrumentalist Robert Kieffer.
It was presented for the first time inside Building 191 at CERN (Meyrin, Switzerland) on 25-26-27 March 2016. Hosted by Arts@CERN, production was carried out by Association POWA, in association with Festival Electron 2016.